Christmas Appreciation dinner
Posted On Friday, November 25, 2011 at at Friday, November 25, 2011 by Sharon
Note: Ok, these pictures are from 2009 so I better post it up before 2009 officially ends!
Anything free is good, seriously.. anyone will agree with me on the statement :p
On the 26th Dec, we had a free sponsored dinner in StoneBay restaurant, in conjunction with Christmas. Everyone was invited to the dinner.
Of course everyone will try their best to make it for the dinner.
One, because it's FREE FOOD.
Two, free karaoke wtf
Three FREE ALCOHOL la what else!
A scene before dinner starts.
After dinner starts, camwhoring automatically starts too. And if you think only the girls like to take pictures, you're dead wrong. The guys had it worse than us :P
The girls can never get a full nice picture of only us without some dude butting into the frame -_-
Someone brought reindeer hairbands and we started to force the guys to camwhore with it :D
Bunny reindeer
With Luke and his broken 'horns'
Again, I know it's bad of me to say this but it's damn cute la. His eyes are so damn small that when he smiles his eyes just kinda disappear *BOOMZ*
A couple-to-be? :D
I like this picture of us girls but the stupid fella at the side just had to butt in -_- FHL
Then it was medal presentation time
Starting with the men, who won the gold medal for veteran category, everyone refused to come out and admit they're old that the team manager had to call them one by one haha
Then it was the
lau yees, I mean aunties
girls turn.
Of course we had to go shake hands and received the medal from the sponsor.

Tasting the medals
After dinner, everyone was excited for the next plan.
While we girls were more excited on the dancing part, the guys were more excited on this 'cannon', that's like 4 litres of Black Label FTL (Fuck Their Lives)
Our dear doctor friend joined us all the way from KL
The sexy Ong sisters, hey wait! I have the same surname too!
Guess what happened?
No it wasn't nosebleed
We were just sticking on a temp tattoo we got from the new club. Very creative way of sticking the tattoo : Mouth, Cheek & Nose
The multipurpose hat. Great for camwhoring
Karaoke session, Carey and I had a blast singing together!
We must be singing Lady Gaga or something, look so damn kinky like that
So emo, must be singing Taylor Swift
I just realize I've known this girl for 20 long years too! @_@
Then we went Mois (again!)
There is definitely something about dancing with tomboy or lesbian, I don't know.. but I feel protected around her, she shielded me from being molested hahaha
It was a hell lot of fun that night...
Especially when you get to see a buff guy trying to walk on high heels
It's not as easy as it looks mate
And finally, a pic I've been longing to take for the longest time, the final picture for the last post of 2009...
I present to you...
The 'SPARTAN' pic!
HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone~!
I had a great time with your post and the photos are great and I think you all really had a wonderful moment that time. I like it. Big thanks for sharing.